Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Role of Case Studies in Training and Development

One way students learn analytical skills and problem solving presents a story (called a case) of people in an organization, you face a problem or a decision. The cases can be dealt with on real events with real people in an organization, or they may be fictitious. Business case studies are included in textbooks and courses in management, administration, law, sociology and similar subjects. They are increasingly using video media and others. While the cases vary in complexity and detail, trainees must have sufficient information to analyze the situation and suggest their own solutions are given. In the solution of the problem the students are usually required to be a rational process of problem solving that includes the following steps to use:

First Reaffirming the important facts

Second Drawing conclusions from the facts

Third To give the problem or problems

4th Development of alternatives and then specifying the consequences of

5th Identify and support a course of action

Proponents argue the case study method, this form of problem solving in a management context provides illustrations of the concepts students will learn to respect and apply the improved communication skills and structures for the connection between theory and practice. Proponents also argue that cases of students to discuss, share and discuss the merits of different conclusions, problems and policy options to enable. Such insights, students can develop better analytical skills and improve their ability to integrate new information.

The case study method also has critics, who can strong group cause of thought, with emphasis to say too much on the past, limited the role of a teacher trainer, reduces the student's ability to draw generalizations, strengthens passively by the learner, and promotes the amount of interaction between students at the expense of the quality of interaction. Andrews and Noel argue that they often lack the complexity of cases and a realistic sense of immediacy, and live in developing countries, the ability to gather information and distill. In addition, students in the details of the situation to be caught at the expense of focus on larger issues and concepts that are trying to learn.

To these limitations of the training method to overcome the case study, the coach should make clear expectations and provide guidance in case of need. In addition, the coach must actually take the discussion of the case study to ensure trainees have the opportunity to different assumptions and positions that have been taken and the reasons for which to explore an effective response to the event. The point in the discussion of business cases is not to find the solution "right", but due to the situation and be an explanation for the development of a logic of action. Variations in the method case study have also been proposed. Such a variant, called the event a has vivid, trainees for their problem and their organizations face are analyzed.