Monday, February 6, 2012

Methods of case management training

What is a case?

A case require a written representation of actual or simulated management problems, conflicts and situations, the solutions. Case analysis is an exercise in critical understanding of the concepts and causes of problems and events.

The case teaching method was introduced by Langdell in 1871 as an alternative to reading method of legal education. Later, when the University of Harvard Business School to create their own in 1908, was adopted by them in their classes.

Types of property
A case may a) be a theoretical or b) of the act.

Hypothetical situations
Case studies that are designed to read and clarify some theoretical concepts of a discipline such as management, the study of marketing, human real-tions, communication and so on are cases of academic study. They are used as examples to concretize the abstract concepts of a discipline.

The play of ideas in the form of action, interaction and conflict between people in a similar situation with the case described involved.

It uses the principle of verbal communication, nonverbal and written to demonstrate the dynamics of effective communication.

Factual situations
Case studies that illustrate and describe the experiences of organizations and efforts to overcome problems and situations are real cases. These cases are based on facts.

You have the critical issues with all the details of facts and figures.
Their analysis requires a systematic approach to key issues, alternatives, and ultimately the best solution.

These case studies show that business problems for each functional area of ​​management, such as relationship marketing, production, or are human.

An important aspect of a case study in reality is that there is a problem or an event in its entirety, which for several reasons.

Conditions for an analysis of the case
First With the knowledge of the subject in question
Second The ability to be analytical - a case of research and to take and to seek answers to the questions.
Third To make the critical thinking skills - The ability to think critically is to go beyond the obvious and seek the truth behind conflict, and statements that our eyes meet. It is to question a question of attitude and accept that things only after consideration of the foundation of our faith in them.
4th The ability to evaluate - is part of critical thinking. As we judgment to determine the correctness or incorrectness of our view of things, possess, we are evaluative.
5th Ability derived - you should see to be able to complete the program, then from a certain perspective.

Case study method is primarily about the management decision process, because to solve the problem or case manager must be available under the alternatives, which one is best suited in close collaboration with the problem or select it more valid in a given situation.

Objectives of the case method of study
The main objectives of the study methods are as under:
First It develops and builds trust among the leaders, to solve problems effectively.
Second He trains managers in making decisions required by the development of skills and talents of their side. They learn to identify a problem, analyze, develop alternative solutions, and finally, how to solve the problem.
Third Managers learn to manage and share data and information on various aspects of the problem to solve. It encourages managers effectively in decision-making processes.
4th It provides a systematic and scientific training for managers to implement the theoretical and conceptual knowledge about management decisions and actions. You are familiar with real situations.
5th The main goal is the horizon of knowledge managers encouraged them to situations which were made at the level of its own set of variables are exposed is to expand.
The process of writing up case analysis focuses on three main elements:
First Identification of the problem situation
Second Analysis and evaluation of the problem situation
Third Make recommendations to solve the problem.
According to the Harvard system, the following five steps in case analysis are included:
First Define the central issue involved in the case
Second Selection of the relevant areas of testing
Third Review of the relevant areas of the audit and determine their relative importance.
4th Overview of the different ways
5th Final Conclusions
Two scientists that have contributed Fast and Raymond T. J on writing case analysis.
Process Case Study
First and foremost, requires the analysis of the case, you understand the case and its context. This is a complete study of all these factors at the organizational level, the responsibility for the impact on working conditions and the amount of power can occur. The first thing is, thus fulfilling the objectives and organizational structure.
First Study the case - to understand and record important events, facts and ideas.
Second Identify the problem - the most important thing now is the ability to identify the main problem and explore the relationship between the issues and factors involved it is.
Third Define the problem - Formulate the problem in precise terms.
4th Identify the cause of the problem - Give the relevant facts and make logical connections between them. Go to any declaration assumptions.
5th To develop alternatives - Suggest alternative answers / solutions to problems or issues raised in the case.
6th Evaluate Alternatives - Evaluate each solution to meet in terms of relevance for the target and the decision. Compare the results and recommended decision on the best course of action by you.
7th Develop an action plan - develop an implementation plan.

Writing Case Analysis - The Structure
Main parts of the written analysis
First Title of the case - the problem contributes to the objective / Central.
Second Explanation of the problem - said the aim of the case study and what should be achieved by the proposed solution.
Third The Fall - A brief history of the whole situation / task based, to consider a framework for the various issues.
4th Scope of analysis - Clearly define the boundaries of your study at. Tell me, what aspects of the case will be analyzed in your studio.
5th Alternatives and their evaluation - Each answer has proposed / solution will be considered fully in relation to corporate goals and objectives.
6th The best solution - Mention the recommended solution. Justify your answer with all the management principles for the sector or in the event that you choose directly to the solution.
7th Conclusions - In developing case studies of the sector on an action plan in order to overcome the problem based / situation for implementation. The recommendation will be fully analyzed for feasibility, cost, feasibility and benefits to society. Any other limitation or inherent weakness in the implementation of the plan should be clearly discussed and shown as a point of caution and a closer examination.
8th Summary - Type the following - the problem, possible solutions, the best solution, the action plan recommended that the benefit to the company
The summary is to provide decision-makers know the problem and its solution without going through the analysis of the entire case. It is the beginning of the analysis of the writing.

What makes a good case study
A good case study should be a problem, centered on a critical problem management, rather than about personal problems.
You should have a normal family environment and to present unique problems. Problems must, in an interesting manner and avoid a cut and dry approach to be told.
The case narrative must include a good mix of relevant facts and not so important to the participants the opportunity to screen and evaluate information.
A good example is to offer solutions to problems.

The title for the letter of the solution case study
First The problem - this should describe what must be achieved within the framework of the proposed solution. Any item proposed, if not marked in the narrative.
Second The Fall - This should include the keywords and phrases in the story.
Third Boundary limits - limits of the border, in which it proposed to solve the case must be specified.
4th Possible solutions and their evaluations:
Solution 1, etc. merits disadvantages
5th Choosing the best solution
6th Principles of Applied Management - just use the theoretical basis, adjusted to obtain the solutions / best solution.
7th Implementation Plan - the best solution to convert a logical plan of action selected.
8th Feedback: Do you plan feedback received during well-defined and, if possible, you should have a contingency plan / alternative, if the results are shown in controlled during the feedback form of the variation in the expected results of the implementation plan.
9th Conclusion - Summary by comparing what the problem was and how the action plan will be solved on the basis of the best solution.
10th Executive Summary - Write the goals of the case, possible solutions, the best solution and its implementation, as the last step and place it on top of the report.

The advantages of the methods of investigation of cases

Understanding or
or objectives
or relevant information
Ø Evaluate facts
Or make assumptions
Ø Ability to rigorous analysis
The decision-making skills or
O Concepts executive functions
o Generate creativity
Extends or role-playing experience
Ø Understanding management problems
Slow or no-risk activities
Or different situations
or by the administration for not only
Most interesting or
He teaches or team spirit
Improve the competence or
o Improve communication skills
or time management
or inculcating the reading habit.
or learning is interesting and challenging.

Limitations of the Case Method
First In a real situation, a person must live with the problem, but the same does not apply to case-method is applicable.
Second Method because it has a realistic, but not as a living reality.
Third A lot of time and thought is often required to develop a case study.
4th Trained teachers are not always available to guide the cases and help students to inculcate the skills of case analysis.
5th A case has been developed to focus on the particular category of financial problems, such as behavior, marketing, etc.., Then we may neglect other issues in your organization.
6th There is a lack of realism in a last aspect, namely the implementation of the decision.
7th Do not forget that the decision-making process is easier said than done.
8th The participants of the case study method as a teaching tool desire to know the right answer to the case.
9th More than once, the students, without any attempt to copy the last survey of the case and take an undeserved advantage.